i used to have a gig like this,
at the end, personally frankly speaking..I DO NOT LIKE IT! i love the bands (pic above : the times band) but it's not good for teenagers to loaf around in a place like this, i thought. joget macam orang gila, terpijak kaki sana-sini, terlanggar badan sini sana, ada yang kena raba, ada yang meraba, ada yang wallet kena songlap..so, my advice, stay away from this gig thingy place. kalau konsert yang ada tampat duduk tak pe kot =)
this is just my point of view. chill.
p/s : "nero pix" tu watermark lama. photo ni pun dah lama. so editing pon lama punya macam orang tak reti edit.heh.
5 days ago
i pernah jadi kaki gig. everyweek pegi. time tu tak kira lah macam mana pun, pegi jugak. i minat bittersweet & the times. siap lepak mnum satu meja lg.
tp skrg dah malas dah. sebab gig skrg ramai budak2 je n mengarot2 je skrg. huhu.
btw, skrg lagi suke pegi konset, lagi seronok n security lagi bagos. attitude org tgk konsert pun lagi baek.
peace~ :)
A-ha, I was a gig-goer and I am still a gig-goer. Live performances are better than watching in front of television or ten times better than watching jom heboh lively.
Personally I thing girls should stay away from these kinda crowd. Let the boys deal with it. If they insist on watching the band lively please enjoy it from the back or safe distance.
One more thing I hate couples. Dah tau gi gig apsal bawak kapel memasing?
Just another two cents point of view.
buat pa la p tempat2 camnih..
especially perempuan
sah2 tempat tak elok..
jangan pergi lagi lain kali nad!
sebab tu aku x pernah pegi gig.sbb aku x suke. mcm ni laa. takut kene raba, teraba. ouch~ better stay away.
aku sentiasa tak suka tempat camni, regardless how fanatic i am to the bands performed..neh! mmg bukan tmpat aku..
ni dekat taat house kan? rindu weh lepak gig kat sini..best sbb ade air cond...kau belum pegi metal band lagi.tu bukan setakat tepijak kaki, kepale pun silap2 boleh
tak minat nye tempat macam ni!
aku suka tgk kat tv...clear je tgk artist tu dekat, nampak lubang idung.
i don't like this kind of thing gak..
lbih baik shopping dri duk tkinja-kinja hehe..
well.its just my point.
x pernah g benda2 ni,
sekali je terpergi konsert 8 tv kot.
sumpah x best.
bile nad pegi niiii???
yup, tengok kat tv lg best...huhu...nway, thanx for sharing ur thought=)
p/s : eme, dah lama dah ni aku pg.
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