27 september 2011
a few student ask me to do this : OK no prob. but i just show the technique ..n the rest is depends to 'em..=) tiba-tiba lepas habis sesi pembelajaran, "cikgu, pinjam speed light seminggu bleh?" e'eh budak ni..cuti semester pon buleh pergi holiday kat aussie, paris segala, pulak nak pinjam aku.. "beli la sendiri..."
hasil kerja pelajar aku..kejap terang sangat, gelap sangat but they 're fast learner..macam-macam idea ada..aku duk jadik model je la..huhu..pastu makan.
model burger..
diz is belong to 'em..they use dis..
not enuff speedlite lorrr..
tapi happy gila semua time ni..pagi-pagi ngajar sambil hambat student yang kurang ajar, petang buat aktiviti untuk happy happy sambil terlebih ajar..ops..=)
apa pon, this is worth it!
5 days ago