Monday, June 21, 2010

tag 23 perkara ..dari sally.

'just listkan 23 perkara tentang saya. tak kisah la either fact or mist' 

ITU YANG DI TAG OLEH MEMBER KLABING AKU, SI SALLY. bukan klabing kat night club ke hape. ni klab fotokreatif utmjb. banyaknye weyh 23..cheq cuba k..

1. tak makan pizza hut & kfc. (lidah kampong wey)
2. gilakan McD. (yang ini dikecualikan)
3. gila shopping tapi bile balik shopping mesti migraine sebab temperature shock sekejap sejuk sekejap panas.
4. rabun yang sangat teruk sampai spek terjatuh kat lantai pon still teraba-raba nak carik. sangat kasihan. sebab tu spek ni kaler hitam dan besar.

5. selalu bertekak dengan adek no 2 kat gambar atas ni.
6. sangat suke photoshooting self portraiture walaupun sedar tak cun.
7. hari-hari kena explore adobe photoshop tuk blaja benda baru. xde sape nak ajarkan. belajar sendiri dari internet.
8. tukang amek gambar orang kawen.

9. ade adek yang boleh dilayan untuk training skill aku photoshooting.
gambar yang diulang letak*

10. sangat layan cerita hindustan.
11. obses dengan kembar mary-kate & ashley olsen.
12. tak suka mandi laut sebab dah sedia hitam legam.
13. tak boleh nampak hantu.
14. pernah digelar goofy sebab gigi tak cantik.
15. pernah jugak dipanggil olive 'bini popye' sebab kurus kering. ( i'm working on my weight now)
16. kuat mengamuk.
17. cepat sejuk lepas mengamuk.
18. suka buat kerja last minit. hasilnya ok la kut.
19. suka membazir beli baju dinner yang hanya dipakai sekali sahaja.
20. gilakan flat shoes. (senang nak berlari time shooting)

21. admire senior-senior kelab fotokreatif utmjb yang berjaya meletakkan diri dalam industri fotogafi.
22. suka berblogging.
23. sukahati. wah..penatnyer nak abeskan..

habis, belom lagi..cett, sally ni nak kena nih.

ok..tag kedue dalam tag yg same adalah kuiz bernassss ini..

1).Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed ?
e'eh..mane nak tawu?

2). How did you feel when you  woke up this morning ?
 tired..coz migraine last night.

3). Who was the last person / people you took a photo with?
my sibling in light painting night photoshooting.

4). Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
yes coz sumtime spoil will create something awesome.

5). Will you ever donate blood ?
no. tak cukop weight.

6). Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?
yup of course.

7) Do you want someone to be dead?
yahudi yang berkefahaman zionis. yes!

8. What does your last text message say ?
watpe tak tido lagi?

9. What are you thinking right now?
another photoshoot job.

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
yes. a skinny model with my new kostum yang dibeli dari bundle.

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?

5 a.m. migraine x boleh tido lorr...

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?c
Padini. ade sales..rm9 je.

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
yes. my bf.(honestly beb T_T)

14. Who was the last person(s) who text you ?
the bf.

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz...
3. frank lampard
4. creativeheart
5. petisuara
6. marya hana
7. amirr rayyan
8. mr. schomey
9. nn

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?
male kut.

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
dunno. ask them la weh.

18. What is no.1 studying about ?
civil engineering.

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
no 1 je penah. yg len tak kenal.

20.Is no.4 single ?

21. Say something about no.2

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 together ?
x buleh. pakwe yaya hensem woo.

23. Describe no.9 .
cute girl.

24. What will you do if no.6 n no.7 fight ?
diorang takkan gaduh sebab tak kenal pon. hape punye soklan da..

25. Do you like 8 ?
 ye sebab beliau sangat sengal dengan aku.
yeyeye..dah abes..penat buat. bai nak tido.


fiqkbe said...

haha.. suka no.1. x mkn mknn israel. tp no. 2 pun mknn israel gak =P

Khai said...

wah..peminat tegar McD..bgus2...huhuhu

zulkbo said...

23..HE HE..boleh tahan
Salam hari isnin yang ceria
moga anda sealu sihat.
جزاك اللهُ خيراً

TeRRoRRiZZ said...

alamak aku terkena...

Encik Psychopath said...

frank lampard tu saya ea ?

nerdy nadea said...

fiq, aku try x makan ye..dua bulan sekali je..

khai, minat mcd gak ea?

zulkbo, anda pon buleh buat tag ni.

tero, ya sila buat..hehehe(gelak jahat)

frank lampard, ya itu kamu. takkan la yg world cup tu kot..

Marya Hana said...

aah . pakwe yaya ensem.. johny depp.. keh keh keh :p halamak !! kenape "sikit " sgt soklan2 nih..? adeh .. tercirits jap ..

nerdy nadea said...

hehe..x pakse pon, klo buat, silakan ye..t ak bace..^_^